Monday, April 24, 2017

Solar Powered Insect Trap

 KING CATCHER (Solar Powered Insect Trap) which is most effective solutions for insect control in all crops. Our KING CATCHER (Solar Powered Insect Trap) is very easy to install and operate. KING CATCHER(Solar Powered Insect Trap) is completely automatic & economical device. The KING CATCHER (solar light trap) is, in fact an advance type wireless light trap. Solar Chargeable and Automatic Timer Device Turn ON by sunset and Turn Off after 4 hours continuous operation. It helps to catch all the Flying Nymphs and Adult insects like Leaf folder, Stem borer moths, Fruit borer moths, Hoppers, Fruit Weevil and Beetles etc., thereby reduce adult population and subsequent progenies in varies fields. This device has been tested in different crop field like paddy, Sugarcane, Vegetables, Fruits crops like Mango, Pomegranate, Guava, Coconut, Tea, Coffee, Rose & Jasmine crops etc.
 · “Eco friendly Pest and Insects Control device.”
Farmer who installed KING CATCHER ( light traps) in there fields, they says the traps are effective. "Many pests are caught and changing the position of lights once in a while is even more effective," he said. "I used to apply organic pesticides in the farm but I felt no need to spray them after the traps were installed,"
Available World Wide. Very good business Opp For Distributors, Dealers. For more details please contact.
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